Business Calcium Blog

The Attributes of a Great Salesperson

Truly, this is the Holy Grail in sales organizations. Sales recruiters are always looking for the “intangibles” that make for a great sales producer. Management is frustrated in their hiring. HR is always on the lookout for seminars and classes that can help improve performance from this vital part of every organization. Sales Managers have their bookcases filled with the latest theory on unlocking the keys to attract this special…

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The 80/20 Rule

I read a book recently which changed my life. It is called The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less. I’ve read many business books, and this one has had one of the largest impacts in the shortest time. First: the concept. What is it with this 80/20 rule? The Pareto principle, or the 80/20 rule, is the law of the vital few. About 80% of effects come…

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Sharpen Your Customer Focus: 3 Mistakes to Avoid

Like many CEOs, Larry Weinberg thought he knew his customer base – and was marketing to it correctly. His award-winning company, BOWA, which for 22 years has built and remodeled luxury homes in the Washington, D.C. area, considered its main customer the architects who were doing design work on a home and needed a builder’s help on the job. “Yet early last year,” says Weinberg “we realized we were marketing…

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Walking the Fine Line of Follow-Up

Are you following up too much? Or, not enough? It’s a constant dilemma for sales, especially someone running a small business. There’s always a fear that perhaps, you’ve crossed the fine line of being persistent, over to the side of being obnoxious. Following up is important but it must be tempered to have the right balance. Without follow-up, you are missing HUGE opportunities. It is one of the best things…

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